Hello and welcome back to a new episode of Lights Camera Akron, just kidding as you can see we have a bit of a necessary format change on our hands. As much as we would love to bring you the latest news around the campus and the city of Akron, we are unable to do so due to outstanding circumstances revolving around the coronavirus pandemic. In the meantime though, we hope you can enjoy our blogs as much as you do the show, and we care so deeply about everyones safety not just in Akron but in our world as a whole. So if you have the time, grab a cup of coffee and read as we bring you some of the best information on how you and your loved one's can stay safe in a time like this.
Recently I was given the opportunity to speak to Halle Bishop, the senior manager of corporate communications at the Cleveland Clinic.
As we all know, the Cleveland area was the first to be hit with this illness in the state of Ohio, and due to that, our fellow northeastern Ohioan's need to make sure that they are safe and protected from this terrible disease. The numbers in our area are continuing to rise and we at ZTV want to make sure that you all are taking necessary precautions to stay healthy in this pandemic. Halle was able to relay us a link to some of the best resources and information one can find on the coronavirus. You can access this information on the Cleveland Clinic's website at newsroom.clevelandclinic.org This link will provide you with answers and statistics to almost any question you could possibly have revolving around COVID-19, and we hope that you use that to your advantage to stay well. From news releases, to daily health stories, to even the safest hand washing measures, the Cleveland Clinic has you covered.
Rest assured we know that these medical professionals and our local governments are taking this incredibly seriously and are doing the best that they can to slow the spread, flatten the curve, and once again keep you and your loved ones safe.
We at ZTV greatly encourage you all to stay updated on the latest information about the coronavirus pandemic. In order for us to come out of this stronger and better than ever, we need you to be on top of your cleanliness, always be wearing a mask in public, keep your social distancing, and take care of your mental health in this quarantine. We love Ohio so deeply and if we continue to work hard at flattening this curve, and we practice all of the aforementioned precautions, we can save lives and continue this year of 2020 how we originally foresaw. Thank you for your time, we hope you all stay safe and healthy. This has been Michael Makin with ZTV's Lights Camera Akron.